- #Remmina remote desktop client how to#
- #Remmina remote desktop client install#
- #Remmina remote desktop client upgrade#
- #Remmina remote desktop client password#
Remmina Remote SSH Connection Connect to Remote Machine Using VNCĬhoose the connection profile from the list and edit the settings, then select VNC – Virtual Network Computing from the Protocols down menu. When you see the interface below, it means your connection is successful, you can now control the remote machine using SSH. Lastly, click Connect, and enter the user SSH password. Select the connection profile and edit the settings, then choose SSH – Secure Shell from the Protocols down menu and optionally set a startup program and SSH authentication details. Remmina Remote sFTP Filesystem Connect to Remote Machine Using SSH If you see the interface below, then the SFTP connection is successful, you can now transfer files between your machines.
#Remmina remote desktop client password#
Remmina sftp ConnectionĮnter your SSH user password here. Then set a startup path (optional) and specify the SSH authentication details. Remmina Configured Servers Connecting to Remote Machine Using sFTPĬhoose the connection profile and edit the settings, choose SFTP – Secure File Transfer from the Protocols down menu. Once you have configured all the necessary settings, save the settings by clicking on Save button and from the main interface, you’ll be able to view all your configured remote connection profiles as shown below. To configure SSH settings, click on the SSH from the profile interface above.
Remmina Basic Desktop PreferencesĬlick on Advanced from the interface above to configure advanced connection settings. To setup a new connection to a remote server press or go to Connection -> New, configure the remote connection profile as shown in the screenshot below. You can perform any configurations via the graphical interface or by editing the files under $HOME/.remmina or $HOME/.config/remmina.
Once you have installed it, search for remmina in the Ubuntu Dash or Linux Mint Menu, then launch it: Remmina Desktop Sharing Client
#Remmina remote desktop client upgrade#
$ sudo dnf upgrade -refresh 'remmina*' 'freerdp*' $ sudo dnf copr enable hubbitus/remmina-next
#Remmina remote desktop client install#
$ sudo apt-get install remmina remmina-plugin-* Run the commands below to install it with all supported plugins: - On Debian/Ubuntu. Remmina and its plugin packages are already provided in the official repositories of the all if not most of the mainstream Linux distributions.
#Remmina remote desktop client how to#
How to Install Remmina Desktop Sharing Tool in Linux